Gesture Key of Eating
The process of making overnight oats is a way of preparing for the next day according to Gaby. She enjoys the inconsistencies of making the oats and feels less connected to the activity when a structure is put into it, she enjoys the unrestrictiveness of the activity. Overall, the activity of making and eating overnight oats bridges her days together and is a fun experience for her.
Gaby Prepares the dishes and food items to create her overnight oats during the night. She gathers her oats, fruit, and milk. She makes puts the ingredients together in a small container.
The next day, Gaby eats the oats and enjoys her meal.
Gaby puts away the dishes and starts her day.
Ideating Interface Ideas
- filling
- springing
- exploding
- bursting
An interface for springing through eating:

Journey Map
For my Journey Map, I thought about what gestures, affordances, and screens would go into my interface. I decided that the gestures used would be pushing, releasing, and springing. For my affordances there were four that needed to happen in order for the action of springing through eating to run smoothly:
- The food items needed to be “ pushed together “.
- Once made, the food needed to be “ released “ into the user’s mouth
- Food then needs to be “ released “ into the stomach
- Finally the food will be in motion

For my prototype, I had the idea of creating an interface where one pushes down on a spring, the screen is filled up to simulate the stomach when someone is eating. When the spring is realized, the “ stomach digests the food “ and the screen empties. My goal for the prototype is to properly reflect my journey map and how springing portrays the process of eating.

- Usability issues that could arise from this interface is that the user may assume the red frame is filling up and going down when the user interacts with it, not that the spring is what is causes the frame to go up and down.
- The prototype evokes the feeling of anticipation as one pushes down on the spring and is in anticipation to see what the spring being pushed down will cause.
- The interface could be useful in teaching kids how the body consumes and digests food, it could be used for education purposes.
Link to prototype: